CEOs in Step with the Spirit


In a world where market trends, technological advancements, and customer behaviors are in constant flux, best practices are ever-evolving. 

What was considered a cornerstone best practice yesterday might be outdated tomorrow, causing continuous change for businesses.

This struggle can lead to relentless hustle and grind that leaves you breathless. 

Good News! Your business doesn't have to operate in perpetual overdrive.

Consistently managing your business in partnership with Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide every step, will transform you and your business. 

Leray sheds light on this process in a quick 61-second exhortation.

Ready for a change? 

Tune in now and recognize that partnering with the Holy Spirit is not merely a choice but a necessity for discernment and ethical decision-making.

Make the choice to be in step with the Spirit. When you're ready, Jesus is waiting.

And our always-free JC CEOs Bible Institute will teach you how to do it.


The Power of the Name of Jesus


Escape the 'Be Better' Trap: Discover True Differentiation!