Jesus Christ’s CEOs
Free Exercise Thereof
The Constitution of the United States grants Jesus Christ’s CEOs
and their companies the right to freely exercise their faith publicly in Jesus Christ and His Holy Bible. Federal and state governments or their employment branches shall not create laws contradicting the First Amendment and impede Jesus Christ’s CEOs business assemblies according to their religious beliefs in the public squares.
Here is how Jesus Christ’s CEOs live out their God-given freedoms, predestined calling, business grace gifts, and shepherding appointments in the public squares: according to the same purpose for which the Father sent Jesus into the world, and as JC CEOs eagerly await Jesus return. (John 17:18, Luke 19:13)
Speech, Religion, the Press, Assembly, and Petition
Free Exercise of Religion
Windows of Heaven Jesus’ Storehouse is the shepherd and overseer ministry of Jesus Christ's CEOs and their business assemblies (ekklesia). Jesus Christ’s CEOs Companies free exercise of religion mandate: Restore in all nations the preeminence of Jesus Christ in the public squares of business. (Jeremiah 3:15, Malachi 3:10, Acts 20:28, Colossians 1:18)
Freedom of Assembly
Jesus Christ’s CEOs consecrated (set apart) assemblies (ekklesia) are also known as authentic kingdom companies, business entities, and communities belonging to the kingdom of Christ (heaven) on earth. Authentic Kingdom Companies are for profit businesses operating in the public squares as ministries of reconciliation. Consecrated business assemblies participate with God Holy Spirit in the public squares, reconciling all people and their business activities to Jesus Christ, from whom the Bible says they were created by and exist for. (Colossians 1:15–20, Acts 3:21)
Watch Predestine with Kingdom Purpose
CEOs, Shepherds, Overseers
Jesus Christ CEOs are not just Christ Executive Officers (CEOs) overseeing Jesus' community's business activities; they are also God Holy Spirit’s appointed overseers, chosen to shepherd their local business assembly, Jesus’s church (ekklesia), which He purchased with His own blood. JC CEOs Bible Institute has a rigorous CEO ordination process. (Jeremiah 3:15, Acts 20:28)
Authentic Kingdom Leaders
In the Word of God, Jesus Christ's CEOs (disciples) are instructed to teach faithful disciples who can teach others. In a consecrated company to Jesus, we call these men and women authentic kingdom leaders. Through their participation in God Holy Spirit’s governance, these disciples have a history, experience, skill, achievements, and the ability to guide others in their participation with God Holy Spirit, fulfilling Jesus’s consecrated for profit activities and company religious mandate of Restore! (2 Timothy 2:2)
JC CEOs Organization Chart
Endgame - Heaven on Earth
Jesus Christ’s CEOs local business assemblies are included with every local assembly that makes up the universal Church. God Holy Spirit is uniting and perfecting the universal Church as one in Christ, as He and the Father are perfectly one. Jesus is building up the universal Church to fill all the earth as a holy temple, a dwelling place of God in Spirit, manifesting the kingdom of God on earth as it exists in heaven. The public squares of business are Jesus Christ’s CEOs business assembly territory and portion of being the holy temple of God. (John 17:20–23, Ephesians 2:19–22)
Business as ONE in Christ

Freedom of Speech and Press
God Holy Spirit has raised up Jesus Christ’s CEOs Media to boldly proclaim the power of Jesus Christ in business and for the name of Jesus Christ to be declared in all the earth. JC CEOs Media is the world’s 1st professional broadcast network consecrated (set apart) to tell the world what Jesus is doing in business. (Romans 9:17)

Freedom of Petition
Jesus Christ’s CEOs (ambassadors) have been sent into this world by Jesus and appointed by God Holy Spirit to the public squares of business. The United States hosts these ambassadors of Christ and His business assemblies while giving them the free exercise to live out their ambassadorship (religion) according to their God, Jesus Christ. Who commands His disciples to seek to live on earth as it exists in heaven. This is non-negotiable with God (Jesus) and is why Windows of Heaven Jesus’ Storehouse habitually defends and advocates for the free exercise of all freedoms for Jesus Christ’s CEOs and their Christian business assemblies. (Freedom of speech, religion, the press, assembly, and petition)
Support Freedoms for Christians NOW
Many organizations have audacious vision statements with no written plan to accomplish them. Windows of Heaven Jesus’ Storehouse is not one of those organizations. Watch Perfect Unity for FREE to learn how JC CEOs Authentic Kingdom Companies participate with God Holy Spirit, reconciling the public squares of business to the kingdom of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:18–19
Isaiah 42:22
CEOs, join the movement to reconcile the United States public squares of business to its creator, Jesus Christ! (Colossians 1:15–20)

CEOs, align your company
with Jesus’ Storehouse
Windows of Heaven Jesus’ Storehouse is a one-of-a-kind Storehouse for Christian Companies and their CEOs. CEOs from all nations can align their companies (ekklesia) with Jesus’ Storehouse for FREE.