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Road to Ordination

Jesus ordains, Holy Spirit appoints, and we Shepherd, equip and oversee a CEO's holy calling in business.  (2 Corinthians 5:18; Acts 13:2; Acts 20:28)



A business owner’s training begins with module-one, a 6-8 week online course of 26 devotions (self-paced private time with the Lord). Module-One concludes with a business owner making a written covenant with Jesus Christ to habitually live as an authentic disciple in communion (participation) with Holy Spirit. Windows of Heaven calls these covenant partners of Christ, Jesus Christ’s CEOs®, (JC CEOs®).



Module two is a 10-12 week online course of 35 devotions (self-paced private time with the Lord). In module two, JC CEOs® consecrate their company in writing to Jesus Christ as Lord, meaning; master/owner. And receive His strategy (a series of actions) on how a local business assembly (ekklesia) participates with God Holy Spirit, transforming a business community (ekklesia) into an Authentic Kingdom Company. Ephesians 1:22-23; Matthew 18:20; Luke 19:13



Observation. The assemblies of Windows of Heaven bears witness over time that a Jesus Christ's CEO has been living and doing business in participation with God Holy Spiritaccording to their covenant and company consecration vows made to Jesus Christ in modules one and two.



After equipping, covenant, company consecration, and Holy Spirit’s testing of a business owner’s vows to Jesus Christ. We ordain not graduate business owners as senior overseers (ministers of reconciliation) of their kingdom business assembly (ekklesia). (2 Corinthians 5:18; Acts 13:2, Acts 20:28)



Company Spiritual Formation

Equip The Ekklesia

Among the global Christian business owner community, it's widely agreed the body of Christ is not equipped on Sundays for their business assignments. Therefore, Windows of Heaven accepts our overseer's responsibility to participate with Holy Spirit, equipping the Ekklesia, their local business assembly, so that Jesus Christ may reign in glory, honor, and dominion in the whole community of their company's sphere of influence. Jude 25

Business owners who are ready to transform their companies into powerful kingdom assets should start with our FREE vision-casting course.