Kingdom Blueprint, Sharp Distinct Differences
In this exhortation, I will share the ninth distinguishing difference of Windows of Heaven Church and our Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute.
As a new testament prophet of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit has imparted His blueprint for building up the body of Christ in business as a holy temple, a dwelling place of God in Spirit. See, Ephesians 2:19-22.
At the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute, we have documented in writing this blueprint. So business owners who are enlisted in this special unit of the Lord's army can be equipped and run with it. See, Habakkuk 2:2
This is the ninth sharp, distinct difference between the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute and other Churches and CEO platforms.
Business owners ready to run with Jesus Christ's blueprint for business. The next move is yours. GET EQUIPPED, By enrolling Today.