Kingdom Blueprint, Sharp Distinct Differences

In this exhortation, I will share the ninth distinguishing difference of Windows of Heaven Church and our Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute.

‘All this,’ said David, ‘the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans.’
— 1 Chronicles 28:19

As a new testament prophet of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit has imparted His blueprint for building up the body of Christ in business as a holy temple, a dwelling place of God in Spirit. See, Ephesians 2:19-22.

At the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute, we have documented in writing this blueprint. So business owners who are enlisted in this special unit of the Lord's army can be equipped and run with it. See, Habakkuk 2:2

This is the ninth sharp, distinct difference between the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute and other Churches and CEO platforms.

Business owners ready to run with Jesus Christ's blueprint for business. The next move is yours. GET EQUIPPED, By enrolling Today.


Ekklesia Training, Sharp Distinct Differences


CEO, A Holy Calling, Sharp Distinct Differences