Jesus Abiding Presence, Sharp Distinct Differences

In Today's exhortation, I will share the fifth distinguishing differences of Windows of Heaven Church and our Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute.

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
— John 15:5

Doing business with the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords is not business as usual. When Christian CEOs start to do business from a conscious reality of the abiding presence of Jesus Christ, it absolutely changes everything about their company, as it should, amen!

At the Jesus Christ's CEOs Institute, we equip business owners on how to practically participate with the living, and abiding presence of Jesus Christ through a lifestyle of communion of the Holy Spirit.

This is the fifth sharp, distinct difference between the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute and other Churches and CEO platforms.

Business owners ready to do business with Jesus Christ as your source? The next move is yours. GET EQUIPPED, By enrolling Today.


All About Covenant, Sharp Distinct Differences