Who Is At The Helm Of Your Organization?


As an executive, you’re tasked with navigating ever-changing business dynamics shaped by your company goals, culture, activities, and leadership.

Changes in leadership styles, technology advancements, and fluctuations in company size typically result in changes to the structure of an organization.

But those structural changes are typically driven by executives–like you–who lead the way and determine how a company functions.

Imagine what might happen if you decided to put someone else at the helm of your organization.

In this brief but poignant message, Leray discusses why Christian business leaders should give Jesus the coveted role of being first (preeminent) in their businesses.

Learn more when you: 

  • Listen to the 68-second video.

  • Partner with Jesus in business. (Learn how through our always-FREE JC CEOs Bible Institute.)


From Doubt to Decision: Overcoming Executive Skepticism


Who Shapes Your Purpose?