Authentic Kingdom Leader, Sharp Distinct Differences

In this exhortation, I will share the eleventh distinguishing difference of Windows of Heaven Church and our Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute.

I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.
— Philippians 3:12

Christian leaders are deceived in this manner. They believe because the world and their friends recognize them as a leader, this automatically qualifies and makes them a leader in the kingdom of God. Not So!

A Genuine Kingdom Leader is an authentic disciple who has attained to a degree of fullness of the Spirit of Jesus Christ reigning in glory, honor, and dominion in the inner man, and who has been appointed and endowed by Jesus with divine grace to participate with God Holy Spirit, making and guiding other disciples in this like manner.”

At the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute, we make business owners into authentic kingdom leaders who make genuine disciples of those who are in their business spheres of influence. See, Matthew 28:19

This is the eleventh sharp, distinct difference between the Jesus Christ's CEOs® | Institute and other Churches and CEO platforms.

Business owners ready to become an authentic kingdom leader. The next move is yours. GET EQUIPPED, By enrolling Today.


® Trademark, Fruit, Sharp Distinct Differences


Ekklesia Training, Sharp Distinct Differences